Governance - What is Governance - Edupedia



Governance can be simply defined as the set of the action performed by the government of a country to run a society or country. For proper workings of the governmental and private institutions government sets different policies, procedures and laws. They have the authority to compile the people and implement the laws made by the legislation or president, in presidential system. These laws are made for the smooth working of the societies and for best benefits of the people. All the actions made in these aspects are known as governance.


Governance is the set of the rules, regulations, laws and structured actions and procedures which are accountable by the public, binding the society in a system to working accordingly in the best interest of public and the state. The important dimensions of the governance are accountability, Political stability, violence and regulation.

Governance includes all the processes and procedures that are implemented for;

·         Decision making

·         Assigning the official with the power to make that decisions

·         provide the complete oversight

·         Collection of the data from top to lower level for reporting about the performance.


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