Labor Law - Basic standard labor Laws - Edupedia

 Labor Law:

            Labor law is a wide perspective and varied body of law which is applied on the different matters such as employment and there remunerations, labor and trade unions, condition and environment of work, and relations with in the industries etc. In most comprehensive words, it is social security and social insurance of the labor.

Moreover, Labor law is also about the legal requirements and collective relationship which are increasingly significant and of great importance in the productive societies and social service institutes. It is the legal and authorized relationship between organized economic interests and the state.


Labor law is the set of laws that are commonly understood as the laws that protects the rights of the workers.

Labor laws are defined as the laws that mediate and settle the relationships between the employer and the workers. The governments are usually authorities that define those laws according to the standards.

Some basic labor laws:

·          Labor law protects the workers of the organization from the very start of their career. When an employee is being hired, according to the law the employer cannot discriminate the employees on the base of their religion, age or the country from where he belongs.

·          Employer cannot check his personal conversation on mobile phone etc. during the job.

·          Even some laws protecting the labor force in case of not responding or communicating outside of working hours of job.

·          Employers are obligated to pay minimum wages set by the state where the company is working.

·          Wager are 1.5 times the rate for overtime working hours exempt of some employees for examples; employees who gets tips or fixed salaried personals.

·          The employees have entitle the rights of safe working environment, if there is any risk of injury or any kind of danger or hazard, the employee can refuse to work within the environment until the danger is resolved.

·          If any employees claim anything and suit against the organization, the employer cannot take any action of punishment against him according to law.

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