Organization - Benefits of Good Organization - Edupedia



            Organization is a group of the people who joint together for achieving some common goals.


The purpose of the organization may be service oriented or profit oriented. Business are common example of the profit-oriented organization, while, Societies are the common example of service oriented organizations. In organization group of the people have the common objective to achieve. They make a structure of the organization and raise funds if needed for achieving those common goals. They have a vision and they organize their mission accordingly. Policies, Structures and procedures are set and decisions are made by the high level Administration of the organization.  They are the key people of the structure and are most responsible personals of the organization.


Benefits of a Good Organization:

1.      Focus on objectives.

The main focus of a well structured organization is to achieve the goals and objectives set by its management. The structures of the organization have autonomous structure which automatically guides the management as well as employees what to do and how to do. For this purpose organization gathers efficient workforce from the market to get its objectives and support them to direct toward achieving the organizational goals. When there is well established organization; the workers are directed in right way to achieve the objectives because they are familiar to it.

2.    Optimum usage of technology and innovation:

A well established organization is a structure having different departments to deal with different matters in effective ways. In this way they are more innovative and researcher of new and best suitable methods and techniques. These organizations tend to adopt new coming technologies to increase the efficiency and productivity of the work. Adaptation of new technology means new jobs, new duties and new schedules. So, the adjustment with new technology is possible if the organization have flexible structure and procedures of working.

3.     Administration:

A well structured organization has a complete and comprehensive system of command and control. The administration is well known about the managerial matters and they are very familiar to these procedures and activities. Coordination and control is also possible if the structure is well organized. Ration division of labor and management of all matter are possible if the right job is allocated to the right person. Planning is the function of the organized system while, Best plans can be fail if the organization is not structured well. Every person of administration and management is well known of his responsibilities and authorities in the well structure organization.

4.    Promotes Growth and Diversification:

Every of the business’s main mission is to get maximum growth. Well structured organization is very suitable if you want maximum growth and diversification. Organization needs more employees and more skilled workers for the purpose of growth and it is only possible if the structure of the organization is flexible. Disturbance in the working environment may occur at the time of new hiring if the structure is not flexible.  So, the well structured organization should also have flexibility in working environment, by this management can easily adjust to the new activities and procedure in case of increase or decrease in work pressure.

5.      Easy Co-ordination:

The coordination between the works and the workers is possible by a well structured organization. The organization provides a platform to the administration and the workers to link their work with other department. A strong coordination results efficiency in the work. The hierarchy of the command and division of the labor is the key function of the organized structure which helps the workers how to do the work and from where to get help.

6.    Training and Development of Personnel:

Training and development is also a key function of an organized structure. The good organizations know well about the strengths and weaknesses of their employees. They have an effective human resource department and research department for the purpose of performance appraisal. So, if they are well familiar with the strength and weakness of the employees they are in position to conduct training and development programs of the personals. Training and development improves skills, knowledge and abilities of the employees and brings more productivity and more efficiency in performance. They are more familiar with the work and procedure of the organization. Resultantly, organization gets more competitive advantages. So, training and development is a key function of a good organization.

7.     Encourages Initiative:

Organizations help the administration, management and the workers to stand on single place. Every of the personal have different intellectuality and different ideas, it will be better for them to combine that ideas to get maximum results and well structured organizations works on it. Encouraging and motivating the intellectual work force is also the function of the good organization. The good organization knows that these ideas and initiatives will resultantly improve the organizational productivity and in the more competitive advantages. Organization encourages these initiatives by providing more benefits, more bonuses and more rewards.

8.     Better Human Relations:

Improving the quality of the work of the organization is also a key function of the well established organization. Organization provides and maintains a working environment which is suitable for working. There is strong coordination between the worker and they support each others in the result, better human relations. So organization is a platform where individuals learn to support each other and develops relationships.

9.     Working balance.

Well defined processes and procedures is key part of a well structured organization. Due to an organized structure, every of the employee is familiar with these procedures and well known about the directions. If everyone knows well about his job duties, there will no wastage of time and balance in working environment which will boost in productivity.

10.  Reduce clutter.

Organizations have a number of processes and works to perform on it. If the organization is well structured and departments are established well there will be less chance of clutter. If there is mess in workings there will be anxiety which will result negatively to the productivity.

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