Difference between Administration and Management - Administration vs Management - Edupedia

 Difference between Administration and Management:

Administration and management are thought two same concept in general but if analytics the both concepts and their functions are far different from each other. The administration is group of the people administrating the overall function of the organization, while management is managing the employees at functional level. Administration involves the processes to the broader level from policy formulation, while management involves the implementation of the policy.


The administration is the process starts from the policy formulation. The administration is responsible for the smooth working environment in the organization. It works and leads for improving the efficiency of the employees so that organization gets more market value and profit at the end. They motivate the employees at workplace and guide them to lead attain their individual as well as organizational goals. Some of the administrative skills include communication, multi-tasking, responsibility, time management, etc.

Key functions of the administration are as:-

  • Formulation of the policies  and procedures
  • Setting the objectives and goals according to the mission of the organization.
  • Implementing the rule and regulations.


Management refers to managing the functional processes of the organization, especially a profitable business. Basic function of the management is to handle, supervise and guide the employees to achieve the task given to them. Management styles also vary organization to organization. Three of the most known management styles are; autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire management style. The management of each department differs on the base of the function of the department. They are talented and skillful personals of the relevant field. Management performs organizing, planning, coordination, motivating, controlling, decision making, and leading. It contains the 5M features of the organization.

Key functions of the management are as under:

1.      Functional initiative

2.     Activity

3.     Documented discipline

4.     Systematic process

Difference between Management and Administration:

1.      Policy Work: 

The basic function of the administration is to make policies for the organization known as policy formulation whereas, the function of the management is to implement the policy made by the administration.

2.     Level:

The administration is considered as the top order personals of the organization, while on the other hand, the management works in each level in the organization, top level management, middle level management and low level management.

3.     Key Role:

Administration is commonly founder of the organization. They participate in fund raising also for smooth working of the organization but the management participate only operations of the organization.

4.     Decision making:

The administration and management both involves in decision making process but the participation of administration is usually in the decisions which are crucial in nature. On the other hands, the management participates in the functional and operational decision of the organization.

5.     Skills:

The type of skills Administration has is Administrative qualities, while management of the organization required having technical skills.

6.     Functions:

The functions performed by the Administrators are legislative functions but the management performs governing and executive functions.

7.     Power:

The management usually works under the control of administration while, Administration is independent and have control overall organization.

8.    Share:

Management is considered as the hired personals and employees of the organization, but Administration are usually the owner of the organization.

9.     Managing Thought:

Administration most time focuses on utilization of all type of sources available. On other side managers tend to engages with the human resource.


The tendency of the administration is toward increase in the investment, improving market value and increase in the profit of the organization while, the target of the manager is typically on improving his career and increase in payment.

11.  Personality:

The administration plays a key role in administration of the organization. On the other side, the managers work to accelerate the management of the organization.

12. Orientation:

The Administration is commonly the public sector service provider personals while the managers are the handling authority of a private profit earning business.

        In simple words, management is the skill and ability of a person to take the work from the employees or others. The administration, on the other hands, involves the administration of the efficiency of the whole setup or organization. The main difference between both terms is that management is about guiding and directing at operational place, whereas, administration is about making the policies and setting the objectives of the organization.

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