Public Administration - Definition - Basic concept of Public Administration - Edupedia


Public Administration:

            Public administration means to administrate the public within a society, organization or a country. It is necessary for managing the attitude and behavior of the people according to the rules and regulations. Without proper administrating there will be flaws and injustice in the society. Working the administration is also to direct the people for some common objectives. There are two basic terms in public administration “Public” and “Administration”.

Public; refers to the people engaged with a society or country.

Administration; refers to administrate and manage the behavior and affairs of the people for better output.


 Public administration is a detailed and systematic application of law within a society.

Public administration deals with the administration of the public with in a society. Mainly it is considered the function of the government within a society. Government of the country uses different tools to manage the people of the country.  Government possesses all the state assets and earns from it directly and indirectly. Secondly, it also applies taxes on the public which is the basic earning of the government. Government uses this earning from different means for the welfare and security of the general public. Government also implements various kinds of policies to regulate the public within the country. This whole phenomenon is known as Public administration.

Government is authorized with the different departments for the purpose of the administration; Legislative, Executive and judiciary. These three main pillars of the state works in complete collaboration, for the purpose of administrating the people of the country by the means of rules and regulations which are made by the legislative department, implemented by executive department and checked by the judiciary of the country.

Definition: So we can say, "Public administration is run within a country to manage the affairs of a country by making different policies for the security and welfare of the general public".

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