Administration vs Bureaucracy - Linkage between Administration and Bureaucracy - Edupedia


Bureaucracy involves high level officials, formally known as bureaucrats, is a structure act for the policy making and implementing it with strict rules and regulations.

Who is a Bureaucrat?

The Bureaucrat is an official who is working in the structure of bureaucracy, commonly a governmental official or any person having the power of position, such as director of a society or chief executive officer.


Administration deals with the administration of the public with in a society. Mainly it is considered the function of the government within a society or a country. Government owns and uses different resources and methods for the welfare of the people.

Who is Administrator?

Administrator is a person, usually an elected personal who is authorized for running the affairs of the administration. Administrator may be non-beneficial person who is working for the welfare of the society. In governance of a country Administrators are political representatives of the country who take part in legislation and make rules and regulations for the welfare of the society or country.

Linkage between Bureaucracy and Administration:

Public administrative, in governmental sectors, are the elected and chosen individuals with respective authorities. They may be even non-beneficial and also a part of legislation who make the rule and regulations in the interest of the public.

While on the other hand, Bureaucrats are the officials, having the authority to imply rules and regulations which are made by public administrators. They are not chosen but are selected on the merit base.

So, the bureaucrats are the official who works as executives to implement the policies, rule and regulations made by the public administrators at the time of legislation. Public administrators cooperate with these high level officials throughout the process of policy implementation.  When a policy need to be made for resolving a specific problem or delivering for the welfare of the people, consensus of the bureaucrats is also crucial because they know about the ground realities and effectiveness of the policy because of having long tenure on the specific field. Moreover, Government needs these officials at the time of policy implementation because they are actual executive pillars. So, a complete collaboration between these both important pillars is compulsory for effective governance in a country or a society.

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