
Administration vs Bureaucracy vs Governance - Edupedia

Governance: Governance is the set of the rules, regulations, laws and structured actions and procedures which are accountable by the public, binding the society in a system to working accordingly in the best interest of public and the state. The important dimensions of the governance are accountability, Political stability, violence and regulation. Bureaucracy:              The executive department of the state which runs the functions of the state is commonly known as bureaucracy. In bureaucratic form of system, most of the functions of the state are run by the state officials rather than the elected representatives of the state. These high level officials are considered as the pillars of the policy implementation. They have a great field experience of the relevant field. Definition: A  bureaucracy  is an administrative, government, or social system with a hierarchical structure and complex rules and regulati...

Governance - What is Governance - Edupedia

  Governance: Governance can be simply defined as the set of the action performed by the government of a country to run a society or country. For proper workings of the governmental and private institutions government sets different policies, procedures and laws. They have the authority to compile the people and implement the laws made by the legislation or president, in presidential system. These laws are made for the smooth working of the societies and for best benefits of the people. All the actions made in these aspects are known as governance. Definition: Governance is the set of the rules, regulations, laws and structured actions and procedures which are accountable by the public, binding the society in a system to working accordingly in the best interest of public and the state. The important dimensions of the governance are accountability, Political stability, violence and regulation. Governance includes all the processes and procedures that are implemented for; ...

Vision vs Mission - Difference between Vision and Mission - Edupedia

  Vision: A vision is the reason of the occurrence of the organization or company. Simply, vision statement narrates why the organization is established. More over the vision is about why people are doing some kind of activities. Mission : Mission is the set off activities that are being performed for getting the objectives of the organization. Mission statement describes what organizations have to do currently to support its vision. Difference between Vision and Mission: Ø   Vision is the ultimate goals and objectives of the organization supported by the mission. Ø   Mission is a statement that describes the set of activities which are needed to perform for completing the current goals set by the administration and guided by the management. Ø   Vision is the destination of the organization. Vision statement tells about where organization should be. Ø   Mission is about how to reach the desired destination. What the organization have to do to get...

Five M's of management - 5 M's of business - What are five M's - Edupedia

  Management is responsible for the smooth working of the organization. They are authorized to use different resources of the organization for controlling its uses and allocating these resources on the right place to get the objectives of the organization. The resources are Man, Money, Material, Machines and methods. The working of the management is to direct all these resources towards the results achievement in effective manners. Definition of Management: “Management refers to managing and controlling the different processes and procedure of the organization”. They handle and controls the different resources especially the human resource of the organization and direct toward achieving the desired objectives of the organization. Management coordinates between the high level directors and lower level workers, guides and aware the employees with company policies and makes settlement of all the resources of the organization. The main focus of the management is about the organiza...

Characteristics of Bureaucracy - What is Bureaucracy - Edupedia

  Bureaucracy:             The bureaucracy is actually consisting of the executive department’s high level officials. These high level officials are commonly called bureaucrat. The bureaucrats are the main pillar of the administrating and implementing the policies, rules and regulations in the organizations, societies or countries. These bureaucrats are highly qualified personals having a great knowledge and experience at work. Definition: Bureaucracy is a formal form of structure in which, there are strict rules and regulation, administrated by the centralized command with hierarchy of authority and rational division of labor. Characteristics of bureaucracy: Bureaucracy is a structure of the administration having rational division of labor hierarchy of authority following rigid rules and regulation to administrate the affairs of the society, country or any kind of organization. It is considered as a centraliz...

Bureaucracy - Define Bureaucracy - Main characteristics of bureaucracy - Edupedia

Origin of the word Bureaucracy: Bureaucracy is a hybrid word of French and Greek language. The word “bureau” is a French word which means desk and the word “kratein” is a Greek word which means to rules. So, by combing the both words we can get the sense of “Ruling from a desk”. Bureaucracy:             The executive department of the state which runs the functions of the state is commonly known as bureaucracy. In bureaucratic form of system, most of the functions of the state are run by the state officials rather than the elected representatives of the state. These high level officials are considered as the pillars of the policy implementation. They have a great field experience of the relevant field. Definition: A bureaucracy is an administrative, government, or social system with a hierarchical structure and complex rules and regulations. Bureaucracy is a formal form of structure in which, there are strict ru...

Strategic HRM - Strategic Human Resource Management - Effective HRM strategy - Edupedia

  Definition: Human resource Management, simply known as HRM, is the management technique of recruiting, hiring, retaining, developing and managing the other affairs of the workers in any organization. Strategic HRM Definition: Strategic HRM is a planed framework of procedures for hiring, developing and managing the human resources of the organization for gaining the long term benefits and goals. Concept of Strategic HRM: It is very important to make strategies for the  human resources  of the  organization . By creating a comprehensive and planed framework to control the human resource of the organization we can get the objectives of the  organization . Strategic HRM is the approach of the high level  management  to hire the committed work force and deploy the work force in an efficient ways to get competitive advantages and achieve the objectives. The  human resource management  involves different techniques as; v   Personn...