Human Resource Development (HRD) - Importance of HRD - Edupedia


Human Resource Development:

            This is the era of innovation and the changes and developments in the technology is being every day. So, the key for success of the organization is that it should adopt new technologies and innovations in the working environment.  Organizations always tend to develop the skills, knowledge, abilities and expertise of their human resources for more efficiency in productivity. They conduct training and development programs for this purpose.  They more of such kinds of programs means the organization are more tending towards new techniques and technology, resultantly, more the competitive advantages.


The set of activities take by the organizations to develop the skills, knowledge and abilities of the intellectual resources which result in the growth of the workers and the organization at the end is known as Human resource development.

According to M.M. Khan,

 "Human resource development is the across of increasing knowledge, capabilities and positive work attitudes of all people working at all levels in a business undertaking."

Importance of Human resource development:

            Development of the human resource of the organization is fundamental necessity because it will make the organization growth oriented and more dynamic. All the other resources have a limited benefits and capabilities, but the human resource has unlimited potential and capabilities. So, it is the best for the organization to conduct programs for training and development of these intellectual personals. This phenomenon of the growth and development of the intellectual personals of the organization is known as Human Resource development.

            Secondly, the technology is being advanced day by day and new methods and techniques are being introduced. The human resource of the organization must be aware of that how to deal with these technologies. Training and development programs might be helpful for the workers to learn about these technologies.

            By the development programs the workers becomes more confident about their job duties. They become more responsible by knowing that the organization is working for their development.

            Human resource development programs make the worker better understand about the internal as well as internal environment. They are more confident in case of dealing with various matters.

            The basic purpose of the Human resource development programs is to develop the skills, knowledge and abilities which resultantly makes the worker more efficient and helps in the growth of the organization.

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