Public Policy Process - Policy cycle - Steps of Public policy - Edupedia



Public policy is a set of rules and regulations and system of laws, which are related to measures required for the regulation and course of actions taken for resolving a problem or delivery of services for the welfare of the society.

Public policy, simply, is a set of rules and regulations adopted for better delivery of services to the general public in a society or country.

Public Policy is a proposal for eradicating any problem arisen in a society; mainly it is considered the function of the government. Some time Non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) and other welfare societies also take part in the welfare of the public, followed by the rules and regulations set by the government of the country.  It consists of different set of procedures and courses of action for resolving that problem. The main purpose of the public policy is to solve the problems and social issues of the general public. Shaping the public policies is obviously different from country to country but usually has same kinds of stake holders and interest groups, which influences the shaping of the public policy.

Process of Public policy

The complete process through which a public policy is formulated and implemented is known as “policy cycle”. The process and practices of policy cycle is here as under.

Ø  Agenda Setting

Ø  Policy Formulation

Ø  Policy legitimating

Ø  Policy implementation

Ø  Policy evaluation 


Agenda Setting:

It is first step of public policy. In this stage governments usually check about what problem should be on their top priority for solution. Government also identifies the nature of the problem which gets most attention. Moreover, if the problem is arisen on emergency, it is discussed in the authorized departments for resolving the problem from the society.

Policy formulation:

In this stage government set the objectives of the policy and also identifies the costs of the policy instruments. The complete framework of the policy about the set of actions and procedures is prepared to easily understanding at the time of the implementation. Governments can make more than one policy sets for implementing the best one.

Policy Legitimating:

            Policy legitimating means approval of the policy from the concerned authorities. It is usually approved form the executive and legislative department of the country. It is also time of selecting the best one policy from different substitute policies made for the eradication of the same problems. Legitimating of the policy and efficiency of the policy is also checked at the time for getting and adopting the best one.

Policy Implementation:

            Once the policy is formulated and selected for the implementation, it is hand over to concerned departments for the implementation. Make sure that, the concerned department have authority and accessibility to the resources required for the purpose of implementation.

Policy Evaluation:

Policy evaluation is the last step of the policy cycle, in this step the administration and other authorized officials check whether the policy is going on right directions for the delivery of the services. In this step the general public, for those the policy was made, are the main factor for giving the feedback about the success are default of the policy. The aim of the policy evaluation is to check for the faults and make improvement for the better delivery of the services for the welfare of the public.


The common example of the public policy is Law. Any law is made for controlling the behavior of the public in a country has gone through the policy cycle. Suppose the law of women protection is made after the problem was arisen in the society. The government solved the problem by making law for the protection of the women. Different punishments are set in order if any one breaks the law of women protections.

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