Theory X vs Theory Y - Hypothesis X vs Hypothesis Y - Edupedia


Theory X and Theory Y

The famous theory known as Theory X and Theory Y was developed by Harvard and Michigan. The concept of these theories describes the fundamental methods and psyche and philosophy of the management to deal with the human resource of the organization. The attempt is made to describe two philosophy on which the management works for managing the affairs of the workers and making the policies for the human resource of the organization.

Usually, the management philosophy with theory X believes on the Hard HRM while, the management philosophy with the theory Y relies to implement Soft HRM policies in the organization.

Theory X:

The first one is known as hypothesis X, Which believes that employees are lazy which are attached with the working of the organization only for their personal benefits. The employees have no concern or interests in the benefits of the organization. They can cheat at any time to the organization for the sake of their personal benefits. Thus management is responsible to control the behavior of the workers for getting the objectives of the organization. The management has to control the behavior and work performance of the workers by hard policies.

The main concern of the theory X is goal oriented, which means, they have no concern with the welfare of the employees and employees benefits. So, theory X condemns the employees as lazy and management thoughts that they works only for their personal benefits so, organizational management also works for only organizational benefits. The management with the psyche of Theory X believes on Hard HRM.

Theory Y:

On the other hands, Hypothesis Y is opposite to theory X. It sees employees as real people with emotions and sentiments who need to be motivated appropriately. They are seen not only robot or machine but as human being which have emotions. They have emotions and the organization values their emotions. The employees and workers have interests in the growth of the organization to which they are attached and they make genuine efforts for the efficiency in the work, for the growth of the organization to get the good market value. Unlike the Theory X, theory Y does not consider the employees as lazy workers, management thoughts that employees are innovative intellectuals. It believes that the employees are hard worker who want to give their best and if they get some direction and motivation, they can get the organization its objectives. Theory Y believes that the human resource is key to success and it is main resource which will lead organization to get competitive advantages. So, resultantly management psyche with the theory Y believes on soft HRM.

Management Tendency:

According to the concepts of theory X, some organizations believe on Hard HRM. Because they think that employee are lazy and their interests are opposite to the interest of Organization. So, the management psyche becomes goal oriented not employees oriented. In result, they tend to Hard HRM

According to the concepts of theory Y, the management thinks that employees are the main assets of the organization. They are valued in every matter and interests of the employees are considered the top priority of the organization. So the module of Soft HRM is applied in these organizations according to the psyche of the management.


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