Elements of Labor law - Important labor laws - Edupedia


Labor Law:

           Labor law is a combination of legal practices which are linked and made to make legal policies for controlling the employment issues and for the adjustment of work force.  It is linked with the practices of employment and their wages, Workers and their unions, working environment and relation of workers within the industry.   Usually, it is also known as the social security of the labor force. Moreover, Labor law is the legal framework and requirements of great importance which are oblige for the companies to become more socio productive.


Labor law is legislative responsibilities for the rights of employment, especially it is the about the responsibilities of the employer and the rights of the employees.

Labor law is collectively relationship between the employer, the employee and the unions. Labor law mediates between the workers and the employer by governmental policies.

Elements of labor laws:


The first and foremost focus after the World War II is to promote and create employment opportunities for the unemployed personals. Reduction of unemployment is considered as top priority while making policies.  For this purpose legislation works for making comprehensive framework to create employment opportunities including vocational programs, training programs, Internship programs, recruiting and placement programs.

Individual employment relationship:

            To make, modify and terminating the employment relations is the second term of labor law. This may also contain the promotion, demotion, transfer or dismissal procedures. In broad works, it is the contract of relationship by which one party agree to be under the control of other party and the obligations of both the parties in such circumstances. The Employer or employer party is responsible to provide the pre mentioned work environment and wages for the work to be done. On the other hand the subordinate party has the obligations to work accordingly.

Wages and remunerations:

            The law about the wages and remuneration contains the method any pathway for paying wages. This protects the rights of employee to get his remunerations fixed at the time of employment. It protects the employee from over deduction and also provides other benefits in any case. The social evils about the wages are well defined and protected in the labor law for the economic growth and wellness.

Minimum wages are also considered in while making the policies about labor. Moreover, in case of inflationary effects wages are also increased to meet the demand of the labor work force.

Condition of Work:

          The term of the labor law, condition of work includes, working hours per day, rest time and vacations etc. This also includes the prohibition of child labor and employment of young labor and also provision about the working hours and environment for women.

In simple words this part of the labor law protects the child labor young work force and women from the worst evils of industrial revolution. It also provides the rights about the night work, holiday per week and excessive working hours. 

Health, safety and welfare:

            Such kinds of matters as occupational health and regulations for the prevention from any kind of accidents are lies under the umbrella of health and safety. Moreover such services; special regulations for saving from hazardous conditions such as mining, construction works, and dock work; and provisions concerning such health and safety risks as poisons, dangerous machinery, dust, noise, vibration, and radiation also constitute the health, safety, and welfare category of labor law.

Social Security:

            Social security term of labor law includes the provision of security in case of occupational accidents. It also includes the comprehensive schemes as income schemes in case of any sickness, injury, maternity, retirement, unemployment and other such kinds of medical care. It also provides social security in shape of pension and unemployment insurance. 

Trade union and industrial relations:

          Some kinds of relationships fall under this heading such as; legal status, rights to be recognized, collective bargaining, collective agreements, the representation of the employees and the prevention and settlement in case of any dispute. 

The administration of labor law:

          This segment of the labor law includes the functions of the labor administrative departments and also about the labor inspection services. The dispute handling and relational agreement implying forces such as labor courts and other bodies works for settlement of disputes, arises between the labor and the management are also considered as the administration of labor law.

Special categories of workers

Labor law also includes many provisions about some particular occupational or other groups. These special provisions are common and important in mining, transportation, commercial occupations, and agriculture. Cutting across these broad sectors of economic activity are the traditional legal distinctions made in some countries between blue-collar workers and salaried employees and certain newer distinctions, such as that between employees who earn annual salaries and have rights of tenure and persons with no such rights engaged and remunerated on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis.

Unifying tendencies:

          This segment of the labor law is about the unifying the policies for the labor in different countries. Although, Every country has some differences in their laws and policies according to their cultures, environment and especially according to their economic growth. But some of the countries, especially in multinational companies the law are focused to be unformed according to the standards set by the International Labor Organization (ILO). ILO is internationally recognized organization for setting the standards for the work force.

The practices of labor law vary country to country but one thing is clear the basic purpose of the labor law is to safeguard the right of the work force. The difference may occur due to different culture and norms and difference in religion but things to be clear that the practices are gaining more importance from time to time.

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