Performance Appraisal - Benefits of Performance Appraisal - Edupedia


Performance appraisal:

            Performance appraisal is a technique to measure the performance of the employees. It is also refers the performance evaluation. The purpose of performance appraisal is to check about the efficiency of the work force for knowing which employees are delivering their best for the welfare of the organization and on the other hand, which employees are not working according to the objectives and goals of the organization. The remuneration, bonuses, rewards and punishments etc. are based on the performance of the employees by conducting a successful performance appraisal.


A performance appraisal is a regular review of an employee's job performance and contribution to a company. Companies use performance appraisals to determine which employees have contributed the most to the company's growth, review progress, and reward high-achieving workers.


Benefits of Performance appraisal:

Benefit for the organizations:

By an effective performance appraisal and assessment of the works, the organization is in a better position to insight into the contribution of the employees. It also enables the organization to:

·        Find out in which area management can improve the working conditions and quality of the work.

·        Management can also address the issues such as behavioral issues before they impact negatively on the organizational productivity.

·        Organization can encourage their employees for more contribution by recognizing the talent and skills they have.

·        Organization can make strategically decisions by knowing their strengths.

·        Organizations can guide the directions to the employees who were not previously working on the directions set by the organization to fulfill the objectives and get good market value.

Benefit for employee:

Performance appraisal always check the employees working so employees will learn more from this process about their strengths as well as lacks to learn more and get more development in working. It further helps to:

·        Employees get more reorganization by acknowledging their contributions and achievements.

·        They are at priority list for getting bonuses, promotions and rewards if they have done well.

·        They get training and development sessions after the performance appraisal which leads to career development.

·        An efficient performance appraisal determines the specific areas where skills can be improved.

·        Performance appraisal motivates the employees and helps them that they are being recognized and involved and invested in their career development.

·        By performance appraisal employees know their long term goals and they have pathway to be more effective.

The performance appraisal of the employees is key to success of the organization. Because the work more effectively by knowing that their performance will be checked. It boosts the performance of the employees and of the organization resultantly. Performance appraisal is also important factor, because organization can understand the actual strengths and weakness of their employees. They can furthermore realize what kind of skills they have and what type of training is needed to boost their performance in next period.

Click ! Methods of Performance Appraisal


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